2-1-1 for emergency after- hours food assistance
Service Hours and Days
(940) 382-0807
Open on the following days and times.
Register now for appointments using link above!
Mon 10:30am–12:15pm by APPOINTMENT ONLY
Wed 10:30am–12:15pm by APPOINTMENT ONLY
People needing food & qualify for food assistance will be asked to park in a designated area and then come inside for food assistance. Come inside to be interviewed for qualifying and other assistance.
Regístrese ahora para citas usando el enlace de arriba
Abierto ahora en los siguientes días y horarios
Lun 10:30 am-12:15pm Solo por cita
Mié 10:30 am-12:15pm Solo por cita
Hemos vuelto a las entrevistas internas para la calificación y otra asistencia. Se pedirá a las personas que necesiten alimentos que se estacionen en un área designada y luego entren para recibir asistencia alimentaria."

Denton Community Food Center
306 N Loop 288, Suite 400
Denton, TX 76209–4887
You can set up DCFC on your E-Bill Pay service
You may mail your donation to:
The Food Center is an independent non-profit that does on depend on government funding, so Cash donations are the most versatile as we are able to buy the food items we need. We purchase 70% of food distributed via cash donations from individuals; social and business organizations or clubs; churches and the business community.
Cash Donations
Want to join our efforts but not sure where to start? Partner with us and take advantage of this incredible opportunity to lend your support. It’s a great way to contribute to our cause, and every little bit counts towards paving the path for a better tomorrow.
Get in touch with us today for more details about how you can help.
Partner with us!
Food Donations
Donations of food are accepted during normal operating hours at the back door/dock. Non-perishables such as canned goods and dry & boxed goods in home/family sized packing; unopened with original labeling and no expired dates. We prefer no glass containers.
Currently, MOST NEEDED food:
Peanut Butter
Cereal - popular brands, 12-20 oz size
(please avoid giant boxes or 2 bags in 1 box)
Suggested Items to Donate include basic canned items such as:
Canned Corn
Dry Beans
Pasta Sauce 16 & 24 oz
Can Fruit
Can Tuna and/or chicken
Can Tomatoes
Rice - 1 pound bags
Apple juice - 64 oz
Mac & Cheese 7.25 oz. (our clients all receive milk at every visit)
Hamburger Helper, Skillet Dinners
Snack Bars
Toddler foods in individual packages (apple sauce, yogurt snacks, small cereal boxes, pudding cups, instant oatmeal)
NOTICE: .At this time we are seeking additional volunteers, no special skills required. If you want to volunteer, email Volunteers@Dentoncfc.org listing the days and hours you can volunteer. We appreciate your support and interest in DCFC.
The Food Center is a 100% Volunteer staffed & run, Donor funded & supported, Community based charity.
The majority of the work is during food distribution. We start at 9:30 to get prepared. These are mostly standing jobs.
Light duties: 1) interviewing clients. 2) Pushing shopping carts. 3). Assembling bags of fresh groceries.
Medium duties: 1) loading shopping carts with pre-assembled bags (10-20 pounds). 2.) Occasionally help clients load their groceries in their transportation.
Heavy duties: 1) Lifting boxes of frozen foods or produce into carts (10 to 25 lbs.).
****These are all repetitive tasks as we'll have a minimum of 100 clients per day.****
Logistics:, Monday mornings and every other Tuesday volunteers unload food trucks from TAFB. This involves mechanical ability to run an electric pallet jacks. There is involved movement but seldom heavy lifting..
Monday Wednesday and Friday
Drive food center trucks to pick up palletized loads of donated or purchased food from Aldi/Target /Walmart/Albertsons grocers. No heady lifting as trucks have pallet jacks and lift gates.
Seated positions; 1). repacking food in cleanroom (food handling certification required). 2). Sorting and inspection of donated food'
Administrative Jobs: Knowledge in EXCEL, QUICKBOOKS, ACCESS and GRAPHIC DESIGN.
We are most interested in people who can volunteer on a regular basis (one day per week or twice per month). However, we do accept short-term volunteers on an as needed basis and on a first come first accepted basis. When we have a full shift of regular volunteers, we may turn away short-term volunteers.
Please contact us for opportunities and details.
Donate using Donate button above or on first page.